Richard Black Custom Cues  

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The Player

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The Player was designed and made for a good customer/friend that had a fixation for the female form. He wanted a cue that he would use as his playing cue, while still enjoying the decorations he admired. He also had a playing style that left him gripping the cue at the back end of the 60 inch length. This required a very short butt plate with the linen wrap going as far back as feasible.

The female forms were done in boss relief which required leaving them slightly above the main surface of the cue and then going back and hand sculpting the figures. The customer’s lucky number eight was incorporated into the design and the collar rings were also incorporating the figure eight. This collar ring design was also used on his major cue “Big Dog”.

Both the figure eight and the female forms were also used in ebony in the middle of the linen wrap area. The custom cap protector was hand carved.

This was the last major cue I did before the implementation of the 2016 Ivory Ban.

The Player, Custom Designed Billiard Cue by Richard Black. The Player, Custom Designed Billiard Cue by Richard Black. The Player, Custom Designed Billiard Cue by Richard Black. The Player, Custom Designed Billiard Cue by Richard Black. The Player, Custom Designed Billiard Cue by Richard Black. The Player, Custom Designed Billiard Cue by Richard Black.